Help support the works of The Perez Art District by becoming a Patron.
Your financial investment helps our artists reach the ever growing community of the Coachella Valley through events, advertising and public relations endeavors.
By becoming a Perez Patron you are investing in the talent, the vision, and the future of
a community that significantly improves the appeal, attraction, and beauty of our Valley.
There are many ways you can help:
1. Host a private sale at your place of business, community clubhouse, or residence.
2. Let us help you raise funds for YOUR cause. Art sales can help to benefit your charity.
3. Create an EVENT at the District. Partner with ALL of us, SOME of us, or ONE of us.
4. Set up a Learning / Creating Party with our artists. We make some money, you make
some pretty!
5. As creative types, we’re naturally out-of-the-box thinkers, but we can’t think of
everything. Perhaps you have an innovative idea? Please share your ideas and help us
help you help us.
6. Give us a gift. It’s still legal, it’s a generous thing to do, and your funds will be used
via a traceable/transparent transaction to fund the outreach of the District so together
we can make our Valley a more beautiful place to inhabit.
Together we ARE better with art!
We are developing this program. We foresee our PEREZ PATRONS receiving premium benefits throughout the year: Please inquire for details.